
MSI R9 390 FX 8350 Windows 10 | Watch Dogs | Ultra Settings Gameplay

2016-03-10 23 Dailymotion

Hi Folks Welcome to Game Junction I am your Host Dav and i am playing Watch Dogs on MSI R9 390 With windows 10 and Having FX8350, so when watch dogs was released it was badly
optimized for PC and i used to play that game on normal setting on my R9 280x GPU which was heart breaking. so now i have R9 390 Lets see how it performs.
i am playing this game on Ultra Settings the gameplay is very smooth and as we all can see the Frame Rate we get is Around 45 to 60 and it does not drop below.
30 at any time . So R9 390 Really outperforms this Game . As UBI Soft is going to launch series of AAA games in Coming Months with High Requirement of Graphics this Card would Worth be worth to Buy
for all those heavy graphic game. so enjoy the video and .if you have any comments suggestions please let me know in comment. if you liked the Video
please press the like button and Don't forget to subscribe.

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Processor - AMD FX 8350

Graphic Card - MSI R9 390

Mother Board - MSI Gaming 970

Ram - Corsair 8 GB

Driver - 15.7